Sunday 28 August 2016


Welcome to our blog.

Okay so I'm completely new to blogging so please be patient with me while I try wrap my head around this of going into the unknown.

I never thought I would become a blogger! I want to share all my experience as a budgie owner with you all, as my self has faced a few challenges in the last few months, especially with Bella but we will get to that much later on, everyday I am still learning about these beautiful birds, most of my  knowledge has come from @reggie_the_budgie mum & her fanatic blog also lots of research! 

Toby was 3 months old when I first brought him home on the 06/04/2016 I'm not 100% sure when his birthday is so we go with 03/01/2016 for his hatch day!! 
Your probably sitting there wondering where this name Toby has come from, considering my blog is about Bella and Bert, when I first got Bella I was under the impression that Toby was male **this is what the breeder told me** I thought great I have a beautiful boy, it wasn't until I decided to start his own Instagram page, that I was told that Toby was actually a girl **oooops** it didn't bother me in the slightest weather he was a she, but I got lots of great advice from Reggie's mum about sexing & lots of other people too, the more photos I posted of Toby the more he looked like a she and I mean she looked really girly lol, so I changed her name from Toby to Bella, I will do a separate blog on sexing much later on. 

So as I said previously I put **Toby** now Bella on Instagram I was a bit sceptical about doing this as I thought I would be the only loon putting a Budgie on Instagram but turns out there are thousands maybe even millions of bird owners on Instagram with their feathered babies, it's a great way of getting to know other bird owners and their stories, you can learn so much from just one post and even their story, the amount of support on Instagram is unreal especially when owners jump to your defence its lovely to know these people exist.

I personally thought Bella and Bert wouldn't be a great big deal on social media but I was completely wrong on that with nearly 5k followers but I guess it's their love hate relationship they have, their love for kale baths, Their flirting , Bella spider throwing and her squawking moments, these two bring me so much joy everyday and both have a great temperament, both of their  personalities are at completely different ends of the spectrum from Bert being the quiet loving boy to Bella who will literally bring down the house! They are my silly babies.

I'm someone who likes to receive and give advice **if I know the answer** I am currently still doing lots of research on budgies so I'm no expect, as I want the best for Bella and Bert, so I hope what I have learned & what I will blog will be of use to you someday. 

Give Bella and Bert a follow on there Instagram page from daily fun @bella_and_bert 

meet the family,
top left we have the beautiful Bella, bottom left is my beautiful daughter Amelia with Bella
Top right we have my self *Zoe*
& bottom right we have the very handsome Bert.  

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