Most bird species are not sexually dimorph. This means that you can't tell what gender it is, simply by looking at it. Luckily, we're talking budgies here! Although it can be difficult for beginners and non-bird owners to tell the gender of a budgie, with a few simple tips, you'll be able to determine if your bird is a Tweeter or a Tweetine (Dear Lord, please don't actually use those names...!).
so as your budgie starts to mature, After a couple of months, the budgie's cere will change colour, indicating that it's maturing (but not fertile yet!). So purple/pink turns to dark blue when it's a male.
But what about a female?
Females are the cause of the most confusion. People with male budgies seldom wind up really being unsure as to the gender. But females sometimes have blue in their ceres too YES BLUE!!, and that's mostly where the confusion sets in.
Females usually begin with a very light blue cere, sometimes it's almost white. If your bird is very young, you should be able to see very clear white rings around the nostrils. Not all hens have this though, so don't let that make or break your decision. As she ages, her cere will turn to a darker light blue. Sometimes she'll still have the white nostrils. Sometimes, her cere will turn a shade of pink. If she's feeling like breeding, it'll be brown and crusty. It could be beige. But it will never be dark blue!
In the picture above is my Bella, now your probably thinking hold on the bird has a blue cere!!
now this young lady has caused a rather stir on Instagram, with people clamming my bird is male, well she is 100% female, despite this people still feel the need to tell my bird is male.
now Bella has a light blue cere with white around her nostrils and white border.
This hear is my Bert, hear you can see a lovely dark blue covering the whole of his cere with no hint of white, handsome boy.
HOW TO TELL THE GENDER OF YOUR BUDGIE! I'm sharing @reggie_the_budgie post as there are still so many people getting it wrong ‼️
Please read: SEXING BUDGIES!! Many people out there are getting it completely wrong and subsequently making fools of themselves. You cannot always trust your pet shop/breeder!
The top two rows are male budgies; ranging from pink, to purple and through to royal blue. Males start pink and as they mature they turn purple and then blue. Notice they are all even in colour. BUT some males remain pink if they are a specific feather mutation, for example pieds and lutino's. But just remember PINK = BOY.
Bella is featured in this chart in the female section she is in the second row from the bottom, in the two middle ones.
The bottom two rows are all females; ranging from very light blue to brown. Females have light blue ceres with defined WHITE nostrils, sometimes displaying completely white/crème ceres. FEMALES CAN BE BLUE!!!!! The blue of a female is very very different to the blue of a male, it is paler, less evenly distributed and accompanied by white, so don't confuse the two! As females mature they turn brown and the ceres get lumpier. Notice that on the females there is no pink. Females will only be pink when they are very very young, and even then they tend to show the characteristic white around the nostrils. Some people are seeing very pale colourless ceres and confusing this with no gender - it's female! They won't suddenly become male.
Please stop making it difficult or thinking that pink is female and blue is male, budgies don't follow our gender stereotypes at all!
Please stop making it difficult or thinking that pink is female and blue is male, budgies don't follow our gender stereotypes at all!
Disclaimer: obviously there are some budgies out there who don't want to follow the rules, but they are few and far between, and often poorly.
I would like to give credit to @reggie_the_budgie for this amazing information
on sexing your budgie correctly, go check out their account too!
The most telling of all...
If your budgie lays eggs, you can be pretty sure it's a female.
So To Summarize...
colour of cere
dark blue = male
any other colour = female
still in Doubt = probably female
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