Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Hear I want to speak about wing clipping.

should I clip my budgies wings?

Wing clipping could be labelled one of the most controversial subjects in aviculture. There are many reasons why some bird owners choose to clip their bird's wings, and just as many reasons why some bird owners do not. While wing clipping is generally recommended for most captive birds, the decision to trim a bird is one best left to the individual owner.

I am not being snooty when I say this because some of my friends do this and everyone has their own opinion. But I will give you pros and cons for both sides....

Clipped Winged Budgies

Cannot Fly Around Uncontrollably (Pro or Con)

Gives the bird no exercise
Gives the bird a higher risk of becoming severely injured due to thinking it CAN fly when it can't

Non-Clipped Winged Budgies~

Can Give The Bird a Chance to escape danger
Let's the bird have its exercise
There is No Chance of Accidentally Cracking The Blood Vessel Wing

Birds can Fly Around (Con or Pro)

My opinion:
Birds are birds! They should have the freedom to fly! I am a very opinionated person so of course I'm not forcing you to take my advice, but I am just making it clear.
Birds are meant to FLY! Why take that wonderful privileged away from a poor fellow?

To Answer Your Question:
Clipping your budgies' wings will NOT help training.
If the bird keeps trying to fly around when you are trying to teach it to "step up" or some other training method , then that is NORMAL!
At that point EVERYONE THINKS THEY SHOULD CLIP THEIR BIRDS WINGS. But the few people who truly do it either crack their poor birdie's blood vessel wing or just don't enjoy having a nonflying bird around.

So my opinion? DO NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT clip the budgie's wings , EVER! Please!!

I would like to address that Bella and Bert have bin clipped this was done with out me knowing, I was devastated that this had happened to them, their wings are now growing back in nicely and will stay this way.  

nothing more heart breaking than seeing your birds like this, especially when someone goes behind your back and clip their wings. 

Another reason that many pet birds have their wings clipped is because it forces the bird to be more dependent on its owner. Many believe that this can serve to enhance the bird/human bond, although there are countless flighted pet birds that enjoy close relationships with their human families.
personally I think wing clipping is totally wrong and is never something I would do to my birds.
Be very careful when clipping, not to trim a blood feather, a feather that is still growing and receiving a blood supply from the body. You can recognize a blood feather by the blood in the shaft. If cut they will bleed and can become an emergency situation.

Your vet will clip your bird's wings. If you wish to learn how to do it yourself, then ask your vet or an experienced person to show you how.
I've seen to many images, especially on Instagram where owners have clipped birds wings their self's, and they look like they have bin butchered its not a great look, so please if you wish to clip then I advise you see a professional.  


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